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2014 festival archive
June 12-14, 2014

Manbites Dog Theater, Durham, NC

(See list of films below)


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Film schedule

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THURSDAY 6/12 8:15 PM

Snowdysseus   (6:12)
Evan Curtis, Albuquerque, NM
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Stop-motion animation tells the tale of an astronaut on a snowy planet who is feeling nostalgic for home. And you know that always ends well.

Elsewhere, the Survivors   (3:29)
Ali Aschman, Chicago, IL
Two connected figures wander endlessly through a desolate landscape, haunted by anxiety and doubt.

Mount Song    (9:00)
Shambhavi Kaul, Durham, NC
A current runs underneath. It creeps under the door, makes its way into the cracks, revealing, obfuscating or breaking as clouds in the sky. Here, the surfaces of set-constructions are offered for our attachments.

The Descending Passage   (1:42)
Alina Taalman, Durham, NC
I don’t believe in extraterrestrials, but this is just a plain statement of fact: we can’t do it with lasers.

La Gallina (The Hen)    (17:15)
Manel Raga, Madrid, Spain
A devastating horror film about a child who is not a child anymore, a mother who is gone forever, and a father who never stops possessing.

Haiku 1: Doubt   (1:17)
Lyle Pisio, Calgary, AB, Canada
I am strong, I am a congruent person, and I live the psychology of excellence.

The Mass Ornament    (6:20)
Patrick Tarrant, London, England
The good folk of London are spied through the distorting eye of a telescopic mirror lens as they perform their well-rehearsed routine.

Bili Rubin   (1:30)
D.L. Anderson, Durham, NC
As exhausted and anxious new parents, the natural human bile pigment bilirubin was introduced as a mysterious menace. So we covered our child’s eyes, laid him down in the blue glow of a phototherapy light and waited, cursing this damn Bili Rubin fellow and all the noise he was making.

BT876-91   (3:34)
Katelyn Wilkerson, Rochester, NY
A stop motion film that explores the growth and ultimate decline of a particular Christian civilization...all told through the use of raw meat.

Buffalo Death Mask   (23:00)
Mike Hoolboom, Toronto, ON, Canada
A conversation with Canadian artist Stephen Andrews returns us to a pre-cocktail moment, when being HIV+ afforded us the consolation of certainty.

Jiro Visits the Dentist   (1:30)
Gina Kamentsky, Somerville, MA
Jiro has a dream about the artist formerly known as Prince and visits the dentist with his friend the lighthouse-phone man. There is sushi along the way. Hand drawn on 1997 frames of 35mm film.

Lady and the Tooth    (7:50)
Shaun Clark, Watford, England
In a place where the most precious commodity is hard, bony, enamel-covered structures, a toothless man lives in fear.

FRIDAY 6/13 8:15 PM

Handful of Dust   (9:00)
Hope Tucker, Boston, MA
Shooting a John Wayne picture in Utah in 1954, downwind of a nuclear test site--what could go wrong? An obituary designed as an antidote to recover the memory of the downwinders.

Yucca Mtn Tally   (21:00)
Phoebe Brush, Durham, NC
desert meditation on America's first national high-level nuclear waste repository.

Rich Gurnsey, Raleigh, NC
Curious space creatures serenaded by Carrboro’s Waumiss on an animated red planet. Enjoy your trip.

Fall 1 + 2   (:51)
Aaron Zeghers, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
An exercise in absurdity and self-mutilation, and an homage to the eternal performance artist Bas Jan Ader.

FEVER   (2:09)
Laura Iancu, Iowa City, IA
A hot delirium of decomposition by excess.

Sticky   (19:52)
Jilli Rose, Castlemaine, VIC, Australia
A celebration of the persistence of life and the little creatures underfoot.

Living Fossil   (2:25)
Sean Hanley, Brooklyn, NY
A brief glimpse of a 450 million year old ritual, as hundreds of thousands of horseshoe crabs spawn on beaches under the glow of the full moon.

The Inner and Outer Vanishing Point   (20:08)
Cameron Gibson, Chicago, IL
An unnamed paranoia is flowing through the American countryside like a noxious gas. Drifting between documentary and fiction, memory and reality, the film attempts to trace and embody this inexplicable threat on the horizon.

Curved Shadow   (8:00)
Tom Whiteside, Durham, NC
Using old material from my studio and even older material from elsewhere, this new abstraction is a sideways glance at how images are created. It is never the same again.

SATURDAY 6/14 2:00 PM

Reasons Why I Used to Hate My Mom (3:54)
Windrose Stanback, Durham, NC
The title says it all.

The Doll Dilemma (9:47)
Jacob Rosdail, Winston-Salem, NC
Years after her mother has passed away, Jo Maeder must humanely dispose of the enormous doll collection Mom left behind. A bittersweet documentary about a different kind of sibling rivalry.

Théodore Casson (13:15)
Romain Baujard, Lille Nord, France
A strange figure arrives by train. The doctor speculates about his personality.

Bird Talk (1:00)
Ann Steuernagel, Lyman, NH
Birds can’t understand you.

The Cameraman’s Revenge (13:30)
Felix Obelix debuts an original, live musical soundtrack to this 1912 stop-motion short by early Russian-Polish animator and bug-lover Ladislas Starewicz. Beetles, grasshoppers, and dragonflies enact a surreal tale of bourgeois domesticity, adultery, and revenge via art. Moral: don’t mess with the bug with a movie camera.
Felix Obelix, for this performance, is Wendy Spitzer (composer of the score and pianist), Josh Starmer (cello), and Missy Thangs (Acetone Top-5 organ).

Nile Perch (16:48)
Josh Gibson, Durham, NC
"Food for all" says the coin. The effects of globalization and an invasive species intertwine in this epic, hand-crafted tale of a fish's journey from the waters of Uganda's Lake Victoria to points unknown.

Mutter Natur (Mother Nature) (15:00)
André Kirchner, Berlin, Germany
It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. Because she will beat your ass.

Scattered in the Wind (5:32)
Lori Felker, Chicago, IL
A cemetery crime scene with music by heavy Chicago quartet Implodes.

Frontier Journals 03: Aztec Baldwin Collage (8:40)
Georg Koszulinski, Seattle, WA
A Day of the Dead encounter with found footage filmmaker Craig Baldwin.

FFF1 (4:07)
Marcin Gizycki, Warszawa, Poland
A free form film created entirely with free tools found on the Internet.


SATURDAY 6/14 8:15 PM

Cut Out the Middleman   (1:02)
David Dawson, Machesney Park, IL
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

Pen Up the Pigs   (12:00)
Kelly Gallagher, Iowa City, IA

Another Statement About Society   (1:27)
Lansing Bruce Robertson, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Behold the salvation that the American socio-economic system has prepared for you.

Shooting an Elephant   (14:30)
William Noland, Durham, NC
The Tea Party in words, faces, and public spectacle. (Absurdity, mania and incoherent rage thrown in at no extra cost.)

America 6.1   (1:25)
Andre Silva, Wilmington, NC
A creatively crowdsourced visual cornucopia.

Cigarette Candy   (12:00)
Lauren Wolkstein, New York, NY
If war is hell, what do you call coming home?

(various artists)
Jenny Morgan curates a listening block of tantalizing and compelling audio documentary and art.
   Mercy! So Much Noise by David Goren
   Train Dance by Laura Trager
   This Lake Can Sing
by Jennifer Jarrett
   Over the Dancing Flames by Nora Weatherby
   Apology by Elizabeth Friend
   You Can Only Change Yourself by Hannah Coltron
   These Old Hills by Jonna McKone

Leaf   (2:43)
Charlotte Taylor, Hendersonville, NC
Photography through photosynthesis--why haven’t we thought of this before?

Macrocosmos   (1:52)
William Huang, Winston-Salem, NC
"This life is like Pokemon. We continue to create (in place of fighting) we level up and on rare occasions we evolve." Everything you see here is straight from the camera, even the colors. No special effects.

The Greatest Show on Earth   (1:47)
Emily Kuehn, Chicago, IL
The Bozo the Clown children's television program aired across the country for over 40 years. This may be the most profound thing anyone has ever said about it.

Yellow Hair of Happiness   (4:23)
Nic Beery, Carrboro, NC
“I laugh because I must not cry, that is all, that is all. ” -Abe Lincoln

PXXXL   (2:59)
Lauren Cook, Hartford, CT
Animated directly on the celluloid without a camera, an analogue process creates digital glitches. Please do not watch if you are prone to seizures.

Spans   (11:30)
Robert Todd, Boston, MA
Bridges, rhythms, sounds, life upheld in various configurations.

Junkspace   (3:51)
Derek Blackman, Coralville, IA
Welcome to Anywhere, USA.

RADISH   (4:20)
Diego Ramirez, Melbourne, Australia
Here lies Radish, a metaphorical immigrant, a dislocated creature without name, gender or citizenship.